Adelaide United hosts White Ribbon Match against Wellington Phoenix


Adelaide United Football Club is joining the Violence Against Women Collaboration and is hosting a White Ribbon match against Wellington Phoenix this Saturday 15th November 2014 at Coopers Stadium in the City of Charles Sturt.

Adelaide United will launch their support by sharing the message, “Treat her with respect, it is what we expect” using the hastag #TreatHerWithRespect  at the match. Star players Eugene Galekovic and Nigel Boogaard are White Ribbon Ambassadors.

“I was shocked to learn that currently in Australia, one woman is killed each week by a current or former partner. I am proud to be a White Ribbon Ambassador and be a part of the world’s largest male-led movement to end men’s violence against women,” Eugene Galekovic said.

“White Ribbon Australia is trying to change the attitudes and behaviours that lead to men’s violence against women, by engaging boys and men to lead social change. As an ambassador, I get to encourage all our fans to come along to this match to watch us play and to also join in the White Ribbon oath that promises never to commit, excuse or remain silent about violence against women,” Nigel Boogaard said.

The White Ribbon match between Adelaide United and Wellington Phoenix will promote the need to encourage men, in their lives, to make a commitment to promote positive attitudes and behaviours towards women. 

The Violence Against Women Collaboration comprises of both government and non-government services committed to working in partnership and engaging in practical and strategic prevention and intervention initiatives for the safety of women and their children in the western area.

The Adelaide United players will be showing their support by swapping their bootlaces for white laces at tomorrow’s match. There will also be volunteers collecting donations for the Central Domestic Violence Service at the gates. The official White Ribbon day is 25th November 2014.
