Reds duo gets behind Childhood Cancer cause


A visit of a young cancer patient to a Reds training session has led to Eugene Galekovic and Nigel Boogaard become the latest ambassadors of the Childhood Cancer Association.

A visit of a young cancer patient to a Reds training session has led to Eugene Galekovic and Nigel Boogaard become the latest ambassadors of the Childhood Cancer Association.

The duo decided to throw their support behind the worthy cause after 15 year old Campbell, a huge football fan, came along to training at Coopers Stadium to watch the Reds go through their paces.

Campbell is currently undergoing treatment for leukaemia, and is being supported, together with his family, by the Childhood Cancer Association.

Earlier this year Campbell, who is one of a host of kids that the Childhood Cancer Association provides ongoing and hands on support for, was preparing to go and see the Hyundai A-League All-Stars against Manchester United in Sydney before the news came that he had been diagnosed with cancer meaning he could not attend the game.

So the Childhood Cancer Association arranged with Adelaide United for him to get along to a Reds training session and have the chance to meet the players.

Moved by hearing about Campbell-s situation, Boogaard says he is more than happy to lend his support to Campbell and the Association as an ambassador.

“Kids should be able to be kids without having to deal with illnesses like this,” Boogaard said.

“It-s easy to often forget how fortunate we are to get to do what we love so it-s good that we have the chance to be able to give something back and hopefully lift the spirits of the kids and their families who are having to deal with a lot.”

The Childhood Cancer Association is South Australia’s key childhood cancer support organisation, dedicated to providing emotional, practical and financial support to families in need.

“When I was in hospital everyone told me how important it is to be positive. When Adelaide United invited me to training and to meet the players I had a really good day,” Campbell said.

“As a big United fan, I enjoyed seeing them train and listening to Josep talking to the team. After that I had a chance to talk with all the players and that was the best bit.

“They were interested in what had happened to me but we talked about all sorts of things.

“Meeting the people at Adelaide United was a great way to help me stay positive and in a way help in my treatment.

“I’m really pleased that they want to be ambassadors of the Childhood Cancer Association as it will help other kids as well.”

For more information on the Childhood Cancer Association or to make a donation, visit .

This and other community initiatives are all part of Adelaide United-s Stratco Community Program.