AUMC Pop-Up Bar


The Adelaide United Members Club is saddened to announce that this Saturday 6th December will be the final time its Pop-up Bar will be held in Hindmarsh Place, near the entrance to Coopers Stadium at gate 9.

Unfortunately our lease of the car park has been cancelled because of pressure put on the owner by the Australian Hotels Association (AHA) to terminate our relationship.

AUMC is grateful for the assistance the landlord of the current site has provided to us. As for the AHA, all they have achieved is to deny our fans the chance to meet for a drink before and after the game to raise funds for junior football in Adelaide. AUMC believes it’s fundamentally wrong that hotel barons are denying a not for profit organisation the chance to generate income for junior football in Adelaide.  AUMC also questions whether hotel barons would act in such a way if the bar was operated for the benefit of an AFL club.

AUMC believes the role of the AHA in this matter goes against what AUMC stands for; supporting the community.  The Castle Tavern, which is owned by AUMC, is proud to be a member of the Licensed Clubs Association that works hard to get the best result for the community, not to simply protect interests.

Initiatives like the Pop-up Bar are vital in not only generating income for junior football in Adelaide, but to also create a club-like atmosphere before and after matches – something which Adelaide United has lacked in the past.  AUMC is disappointed to close the doors on this initiative and we will search for a new venue.  If any of our supporters know of a suitable venue, proximate to Coopers Stadium, please let us know.  We want to keep this going. 

To AUMC’s knowledge the pressure to close the Pop-up Bar was not from local hotels in the Hindmarsh area. It was not the intent of this statement to have our members and supporters boycott these local venues, tn fact locals have since contacted us offering support.