Glimpse of Red on show in Congo


Adelaide United FC is delighted to be able to show a video of people utilising gear the club donated to areas of DR Congo. Watch the video here.

Adelaide United FC is delighted to be able to show a video of people utilising gear the club donated to areas of DR Congo.

Early in 2013, through the help of Adrian Harris at the Birthing Kit Foundation of Australia (BKFA), the club sent over a range of playing apparel and equipment which has been utilized by the Uvira District together with the Luvungi community.

The club received initial notification that the gear had arrived but as a follow up, the BKFA have created and put together two photo shows to describe the impact that the items that you kindly donated to assist the youth and orphans in Luvungi, Democratic Republic of Congo.

Dr Luc Mulimbalimba Masururu, who received an award as the most promising development leader in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and a certificate of excellence for his leadership in development, started the program and has been a key driver developing projects to reduce poverty and promote proper and affordable health care.

The gear was part of a bigger container sent over containing a range of goods from Adelaide, and since it arrived, a six team football competition from four areas has started, and in a letter addressed to Harris, Dr Luc expressed the people-s gratitude.

“I am so grateful to inform you that the youth of were very pleased to receive the sports equipment from Adelaide United and they formed a team called Luvungi United soccer club for the sake of showing oneness and love between Adelaide and Luvungi,” Dr Luc said.

“We distributed the equipment among the big centres of Uvira District namely Luvungi, Uvira, Sange and Kiliba. Every Sarturday and Sunday the youth meet to play soccer for the sake of promoting peace and development in Uvira District.

“Everyday before they start playing they have 30 minutes of advice amongst themselves where they discuss different topics and every time they are grateful to Australia for the container they sent.”

Click here to view the photo show specific to Adelaide United and click here for the images of the items donated throughout Adelaide to Congo.