Toure tracking well on road back from injury

Al Hassan Toure

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A positive mindset has helped Al Hassan Toure overcome his latest setback and the talented forward is hopeful of an imminent return to action.

After bursting onto the scene for Adelaide United in last year’s FFA Cup campaign with five goals, it is fair to say it has been a frustrating year for the 20-year-old.

Toure suffered a stress fracture of the second metatarsal of his right foot in January while away with the Olyroos and in September while training with the Club’s Youth Team injured his ankle contesting a header.

The attacker underwent successful surgery the following day to repair his fibula and syndesmosis.

It has been an arduous rehabilitation process but Toure is confident he will be back sooner rather than later.

“I think I’m on track for the season,” Toure said.

“I think hopefully by the first game or second game I should be ready to play, it just depends on my mentality I think.

“Because I feel like I’m strong mentally, that’s had a big factor to get back to training because I miss football.”

Toure attributes his resilience in the face of adversity as being crucial to his recovery.

“I think it’s very important because injuries come and go, it’s football,” he believed.

“So if you’re not strong mentally it can throw you off the game even when you do come back.

“So it’s always good to have a strong mind, think positive and I think I’ve done that for all my injuries and I’ll come back bigger and better.”

The 2019 Mark Viduka Medal winner is excited about the prospect of playing in this team, under the guidance of Head Coach, Carl Veart, and feels the team is tracking well ahead of the new season.

Al Hassan Toure

“I’ve seen them at training and everyone’s looking good,” he stated.

“I think Carl (Veart) has a good way of playing, he’s trying to give everyone that free-flowing type of playing style and giving the attackers freedom and giving the defence and midfield a solid structure.

“And I think everyone is building well, everyone’s starting to look better with the running and I’m looking forward to coming to play with the team.

“I think last year was my debut season so no one was expecting a lot from me, but this year it’s a lot of pressure but I think I can still take it.”

He added that the new arrivals have adapted seamlessly into the squad.

“They’re all great players, George (Timotheou), Joey (Joe Caletti), they’re all good players,” he continued.

“I’ve seen them on the park and they’ve come and fit straight into the team and I think we’ll have a great team this year and hopefully we can win some medals.”

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