United’s Grace Wilson Makes Groundbreaking Announcement: Embraces Non-Binary Identity

Adelaide United Football Club stands in solidarity and support with Grace Wilson (they/them) who has bravely come forward to share their non-binary identity with the world.

In a momentous step forward for inclusivity in sports, Grace Wilson, a beloved member of Adelaide United, has announced their identity as non-binary.

This courageous revelation marks a significant milestone not only for the player personally but also for the broader football community, promoting diversity and acceptance within the sport.

Speaking about their decision to come out, Grace Wilson expressed gratitude for the support received from their teammates, the coaching staff, and the club as a whole.

On telling their teammates, Wilson shared the tremendous amount of support they received; “This was the first step in my journey, but I had a phenomenal reaction,” they said.

“The girls were lovely about it and I got a hug from every player.

“As soon as I said it, cheers, and applause — it was this lovely thing.

“I felt so comfortable and supported, it was probably one of the best feelings.”

The Club’s management and coaching staff have also expressed their unwavering support for Wilson and their decision to openly embrace their non-binary identity.

Adelaide United’s Head of Football, Marius Zanin (he/him), said: “We stand behind Grace wholeheartedly and commend their bravery in sharing their authentic self with the world.

“At Adelaide United, we believe in fostering an inclusive and welcoming environment for all individuals, regardless of gender identity.”

This announcement comes at a time when the world of sports is increasingly recognising the importance of diversity and inclusion.

Adelaide United Football Club is proud to be at the forefront of this movement, championing equality both on and off the pitch.

In light of Wilsons’ announcement, Adelaide United reaffirms its commitment to creating a safe and supportive space for all players, staff, and fans.

The Club encourages everyone to join in celebrating the courage and authenticity of Wilson as they continue to excel in their football career.