$200,000 raised for flood appeal

Adelaide United FC and the Adelaide Produce Market are delighted to announce that $200,000 was raised to assist the victims of the Queensland floods.

Adelaide United FC and the Adelaide Produce Market are delighted to announce that $200,000 was raised to assist the victims of the Queensland floods.

The total was reached largely thanks to the efforts of the Adelaide Produce Market and the South Australian fresh produce industry in the week leading up to the Reds- match against North Queensland Fury last Friday night, with the appeal culminating in a special fundraising event at half time of the game.

South Australian Sports Minister Michael Wright MP accepted the cheque for the Queensland Premier-s Disaster Relief Appeal from Adelaide United Director Bruno Marveggio and Adelaide Produce Market CEO Angelo Demasi, the funds certain to be put to good use for the recovery and rebuilding effort.

The Adelaide United Football Club would like to thank the participants of the half time event for their extremely generous donations and everyone who made a donation on the night.

Anyone wishing to donate to the Premier’s Disaster Relief Appeal should contact 1800 219 028.